I Know
It may often feel like you must have it all together and figured out in life. That you must know exactly where you are going, how to get there, and to be on your way.
Feelings of anxiety, fear, frustration, inferiority or insecurity often stem from this expectation you may have to know.
Here’s the thing, I know that you do not know.
The question is, do you know that you do not know?
The greatest thing to know is that one does not know. Once one becomes aware and comfortable with this reality, one becomes less fearful in life.
A few reflections to help inspire this important quality of not knowing…
Once one joins a new company or takes a new role
They begin to act like they know, when in fact they do not
And it is obvious to everyone but themselves
Best to accept what is already visible for everyone else to see
Once one understands that doing something new to them might be difficult
They stop expecting themselves to know the new immediately
And their demands become realistic for once
Patience is a great gift in support of growth
Once one becomes open to the idea that maybe they do not know
They feel a weight has been lifted from their shoulders
And now move through life with greater lightness and ease
An expert’s mind is closed, where a beginner’s mind is open
Once one admits to themselves that they do not know
They become resourceful and learn how to ask for help
And get the benefits of the knowledge and mistakes of others
Teamwork is more satisfying than solo accomplishment
Once one no longer feels a need to prove something
They become secure in where they are and in who they are
And from that place begin to prove a lot
Pretending is unkind and painful to the self
Once one becomes comfortable with not knowing
They stop expecting everyone else around them to know
And find that their relationships and outlook improves
Learn to accept reality as it is, not as you wish it to be